Easily their best release yet and I have been a fan of their crazy sound for a while. They really do occupy their own space in the psych rock genre combining some elements of shoegaze, lo-fi vocals, keys and distortion to concoct a unique wall of noise approach. This release however amps up the production values just enough to take things to the next level. This record is alot of fun and i can’t wait to see them at Fuzzclub August 2023. Your doing it right? Fuzz Club? right????. These guys are a solidly representative of what the Fuzz Club label has been all about from the start. I was starting to wonder if the band were still around so I was glad to see the announement of a new release. It’s hard to imagine that their last record came out in 2016. You can really hear the maturation of their sound without betraying their origins. The instrumentation on tracks like “Catch Me Speak” and “Whenever” has much more subdued approach to the usual full on attack yet still manages to keep the edge. If I had one gripe its that the killer track “Free” is only 2:30 becasue it smokes. The record fits right in with the traditional Fuzz Club lineup and is a worthy addition to the Dead Rabbits catalog.

Released by Fuzz Club Records