Seems like it’s all Fred Laird all the time around here but that’s just the way the releases are arriving. Mushin is a release from Fred’s project Empty House. Subtle drones, various instrumentation, mechanical effects, and an abundance of field recordings, or “Found Music” as I like to call it. There’s a bit of a lo-fi aesthetic here as ghostly sounds whir in and out of focus. Various percussive effects and watery sounds are layered throughout the three pieces. I’ve had this cassette for a while but deck issues have kept me away so I grabbed the vinyl release upon its recent reissue. Although meditative and somewhat relaxing most of the time there is also a sort of opposing force of unsettled ominous tension creating a unique atmosphere. I would classify this as a bit more experimental in nature than I would a drone recording. Definitely worth a listen for your experimental side.

VInyl release on Echodelick Records