One of the more unique acts in this circle is the ever-evolving Ivan The Tolerable. I saw them live at Astral Fest in Bristol last year, which seems like ages ago, and I don’t really recall them sounding like any of their releases. Drones, loops, saxophones, odd percussion, it’s all here on this one. For some reason, I always find myself playing this one while I’m cooking, so I can officially say it’s top-notch dinner prep music if there ever was such a thing. There is so much going on with this one that I can’t convey what’s happening. At times, it’s like a symphony of random noise and percussion. There are loads of bell-like percussion, whirling and pulsating effects, drones, and keyboard pads heavily drenched in delays, reverb and reverse effects. Then, when you think you have a good hold on things, you fall into the triply percussive dub-like sounds on “Statues – Bodies”. It’s truly an adventure. This one keeps you on your toes. Great stuff.

Co released by Echodelick Records (USA), We Here & Now (CA) Sold Out and Worst Bassist Records (EU) Sold Out