Industrial doom psych anyone? Pallbearer Industry combines elements of industrial music, drones, and demonic sounding vocals to create a fairly dark tapestry of sound. Electronics whirl about creating a sci-fi effect amongst percussion that sounds like it might be created using found metallic objects. Every once in a while a guitar will appear for some melodic effect but for the most part guitars are used to create screeching and scraping sounds. There are many layers to the sound here though I think many may find this a challenging listen. But then you get to the title track which is a quite compelling piece with more melody and structure. For the most part this is not for the faint of heart. This one will make you think a bit as you dissect whats going on but if you are a fan of the noisier experimental side of things this may suit you well.

Released by Echodelick (USA), Up In Her Room (UK) and We, Here & Now