Combining elements of Drone Rock, Psych, and Straight up Rock and Roll The Oscillation is back again with another stellar release. Released by All Time Low the album ebbs and flows with its multi-layered approach to tracks. “Dilated Minds” kicks us off with a steady bass groove capped with a screeching guitar and subdued lyrical style. “Forever Knowing” has a bit of an 80’s feel to it with an echoed guitar approach and electronic pulses before kicking into overdrive. for a massive psych freakout. ‘The Inner Void” begins with a nice tremolo effect and screeching guitars with a touch of JAMC style vocals. “Heart of Nowhere” takes a different and darker direction with some tribal-style drumming and electronics before a slow buildup that eventually winds down to some buzzing whirling and bell effects. “Obscured” is probably the standout track here and for all of its twelve minutes, it has a very free-form feel powered by the strong bassline guiding the chaotic guitar blasts. The album closes with a dark, mostly electronic piece called “Dilated Mind” which is basically a guitar and bass drone augmented by various electronic accompaniments.

This is what I would describe as a Friday night album. Grab some beers and crank this baby up. There’s a lot to like here but it’s definitely made for volume. Available from most decent mail orders. I picked mine up from Rough Trade USA. Or you can grab it from their Bandcamp page