Motor!k is a band I was finally introduced to this year and the performance at Roadburn this year was a true highlight for me. Music for trains I like to call it and I throw it right up there with Cosmic Ground for throwing on the ear buds and staring out the train window. Even their own concert backdrop seems to do the same. The music is, mostly electronic based and of course, mostly motorik beats with a repetitive nature that throws you into a hypnotic state as the atmospherics wash over you. I’ve seen a few people mention 3 but for the most part I think this has been a highly under rated record this year. Even when they slow things down to a dirge on “Unisono” with its clean reverb guitar plodding along it still has a feeling of movement. My favorite tracks here are the ones that start off as slower electronic pieces and slow build up momentum like on “Hourglass” or “Reflections”. “Socrates” is a track which starts off strong and just continues to soar with its retro lead sounds taking you back to some early classics.This is one of my most played records during the last half of this year and while it may not be the record of the year it seems to fit my listening mood more than most.

Released by OutofLine but available on major european sites.